Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Why we lie about being retired

Search the word "retirement" on the internet and your screen is filled with images of silver-haired folk dancing in their kitchens, surfing, getting into ridiculous yoga postures and cuddling grandchildren.
The reality for many can be quite different. For many, the first few months of retirement can often involve an existential crisis, says Harvard Business School professor Teresa Amabile.
https://www.bbc.com/news/business-48882195"It can be a very dramatic moment." she adds.
Over four years, Prof Amabile and a team of collaborators interviewed 120 professionals about their views of retirement at three companies in different parts of the United States.
They asked interviewees at different phases of their career about their perspective.
The preliminary findings were quite stark. While retirement might start off in a blaze of well-deserved relaxation the novelty can soon wear off.